VFS will resume Consular services, partially amidst COVID 19 situation, as per the release from EOI
it has been decided that with effect from 18.05.2020 applications for the following Consular Services may be sent to VFS only by post:
1. Re-issue of passport
2. Supplementary PCC
3. Any other consular service that may not require the physical presence of the applicant
for further details, applicants are asked to connect with VFS through their website or email at info.eoispain@vfshelpline.com
Other Consular Services such as surrender, birth registration & fresh passport, affidavit attestation etc. that requires the signatures/presence of applicants in front of Embassy Officer, remains suspended and will be reviewed once COVID 19 situation improves.
In case of emergency: kindly contact: +34-632813288 or passport.madrid@mea.gov.in
Postal address of VFS:
VFS Global Spain SL
India Consular & Visa Application Centre (ICVAC)
Calle de Cardenal Marcelo Spínola, 2
28016, Madrid
You can check the official advisories here