Navaratri is an annual Hindu festival observed in the honour of the goddess Durga. It spans over nine nights (and ten days), first in the month of Chaitra (March/April of the Gregorian calendar), and again in the month of Sharada. It is observed for different reasons and celebrated differently in various parts of the Hindu Indian cultural sphere, Many diffrent Indian communities in Spain celebrate in diffrent ways, Gujrathi Community celebrate with Dandia/Garba Event, Bengali Community have Durga Puja, Sindi Community with Astami Puja, and Telugu Community with Dasara Celebration.
1. Dandia Event on 30th September
Gujrathi Samaj Barcelona has announced their Garba Night on 30th September which will be held at Mercado Sant Antoni, Oppsite to Lidl, timings from 18:00 to 22:00, the event is free to join, in return they request an small donation for an NGO Vei a Vei as Some non Perishable food/ Sanitary products, Hygienic products.

Dandia Night in Barcelona
Venue : Mercado Sant Antoni
How to reach :
Metro : L1 Urgell , L2 Sant Antoni and L3 Parallel / Poble Sec
Bus : V11, D20, D50, H16, 55, 120, 121, E95, L95, 91
2. Durga Puja

Durga Puja by Bracelona Puja Community
Jardín de Hara
Carrer de la Fraternitat, 25, 08012 Barcelona
699 07 67 62

Barcelona Cultural Association